Augmented Finance 2,500,000 AGF Airdrop on Avalanche — Free AGF for Early Users

Augmented Finance
4 min readFeb 2, 2022


UPDATE for Augmented Finance Airdrop on Avalanche from 9 Feb 2022:

✅ Airdrop reward pool increased to 2,500,000 AGF to attract more early users to participate;
✅ Airdrop terms updated to attract more early users to participate and get them fairly rewarded;
✅ Airdrop period extended till 28 Feb 2022 at 3pm UTC to attract more early users and boost the protocol adoption.

Following Augmented Finance’s launch on Avalanche🔺, we’re making an airdrop of 2,500,000 AGF to early users of Augmented Finance on Avalanche to boost liquidity!

AGF tokens will be airdropped to early users of Augmented Finance on Avalanche who supply any assets to Augmented Finance’s lending pools. Distribution will be weighted by the amount of assets supplied and the period assets stayed in the lending pools.

How to Participate in Airdrop:

  1. Go to
  2. Supply any supported assets and keep them in lending pools
  3. Like & retweet pinned tweet, tag 5 friends with hashtags #Airdrop #AugmentedFinance #AGF #AVAX
  4. Follow Augmented Finance Twitter @augmentedfin
  5. Join Augmented Finance Telegram
  6. Join Augmented Finance Discord

That’s it! Using Augmented Finance is easy, follow the step-by-step guide.

Airdrop Terms:

💸 Airdrop Reward: 2,500,000 AGF

▶️ To participate, you simply need to supply any supported assets to Augmented Finance’s lending pools on Avalanche during the airdrop period and keep this liquidity in the lending pools till the end of the airdrop period.

📅 Airdrop Period Start: 2 Feb 2022 at 3pm UTC

⏱ Airdrop Period End: 28 Feb 2022 at 3pm UTC

Daily snapshots at random time of supplied balances for all participants to fairly calculate the rewards.

Vesting period: 15 days after the Airdrop period end (i.e. participants will be able to claim airdrop rewards on 1 Mar 2022 and withdraw it piece by piece till 16 Mar 2022)

Hurry! The reward pool is capped at 2,500,000 AGF. Participants who join earlier and supply more assets to the lending pools — will get a larger share of the reward pool.

Your share of the Airdrop reward pool depends on:

  1. How much assets you supplied. The more you supply to the lending pools, the larger share of the Airdrop reward pool you get.
  2. When you supply assets. The earlier you supply assets to the lending pools, the larger share of the Airdrop reward pool you get.


Airdrop participant A supplied $500,000 value on 2 Feb 2022 and kept them for 26 days till 28 Feb 2022. Airdrop participant B supplied $3,000,000 value on 15 Feb 2022 and kept them for 13 days till 28 Feb 2022. Airdrop participant C supplied $2,000,000 value on 17 Feb 2022 and withdrew on 20 Feb 2022 before the Airdrop Period End.

In this example: Airdrop participant A gets $500,000 x 26 days = 13,000,000 points. Airdrop participant B gets $3,000,000 x 13 days = 39,000,000 points. Airdrop participant C gets zero points because he withdrew assets before the Airdrop Period End. In total: 52,000,000 points for all Airdrop participants.

Based on points for each Airdrop participant: Airdrop participant A gets 2,500,000 AGF * 13,000,000 points / 52,000,000 points in total = 625,000 AGF; Airdrop participant B gets 2,500,000 AGF * 39,000,000 points / 52,000,000 points in total = 1,875,000 AGF; Airdrop participant C gets none.

​​How to Claim AGF Airdrop

After the Airdrop period end, you’ll be able to claim AGF airdrop rewards via Dashboard in Augmented Finance app

Why Use Augmented Finance on Avalanche

📈 High APY

  • High APY on 13 most popular tokens on Avalanche with accelerated yield farming
  • 4x APY boost with via staking AGF token
  • High APY on staking TraderJoe AGF-AVAX LPs

💥 Unique lending pools (not available on Aave and Benqi)

  • Magic Internet Money MIM
  • Abracadabra SPELL
  • TraderJoe JOE
  • TerraUSD UST

🔓 Top security

👌 Easy to use

  • User-friendly interface
  • 24/7 user support in Discord

Enjoy incredible yields for staking TraderJoe AGF-AVAX LPs!

Stake AGF-AVAX TraderJoe LPs and get up to 100,000% APY

It’s Easy to Maximize Your Yield on Augmented Finance on Avalanche

  1. Go to
  2. Make sure that your Metamask or another wallet is connected to Avalanche Mainnet C-Chain
  3. Supply assets (follow the step-by-step guide)
  4. Check yield maximization strategies on Augmented Finance
  5. Choose your strategy and enjoy Augmented yields with 1,000%+ APYs 🤑

About Augmented Finance

Augmented Finance is a next-gen DeFi liquidity protocol with full cross-chain compatibility to merge the liquidity across all chains and let users lend and borrow on various chains simultaneously.

Augmented Finance is building the foundation for multi-chain liquidity and supporting a long-tail of emerging digital assets to let users put these assets to work while maintaining exposure to their long-term value.

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Augmented Finance

Augmented is on a mission to build an open, efficient, and globally accessible financial system.