Augmented Finance Early Liquidity Mining Program Extended

Augmented Finance
3 min readOct 13, 2021


Augmented Finance’s Early Liquidity Mining program will run for one more week till 23 October 2021, 12PM UTC and an additional 15,000 AGF will be added to the Early Liquidity Mining reward pool of 100,000 AGF.

Following the successful start of the Early Liquidity Mining program, we are thrilled to announce that the program will be extended by 1 more week.

An additional 15,000 AGF will be added to the rewards pool, so the Early Liquidity Mining reward pool will now total 115,000 AGF.

Supply USDC, USDT, DAI, WETH, WBTC to join Augmented Finance’s Early Liquidity Mining!

Rewards will be distributed to liquidity providers who supply USDC, USDT, DAI, WETH, WBTC, then stake all interest-bearing tokens (e.g. agDAI) and keep them staked until 23 October 2021 or longer.

Supply your aTokens (from Aave) and cTokens (from Compound) to join Augmented Finance’s Early Liquidity Mining!

Aave and Compound liquidity providers can also participate in the program!

1/ Supply your aTokens (aDAI, aUSDT, aUSDC, aWETH, aWBTC) or cTokens (cDAI, cUSDT, cUSDC, cETH, cWBTC)


3/ Supply the assets that you borrowed and stake all of interest-bearing tokens

4/ Get rewards!

The more liquidity you supply to the protocol’s lending pools and the earlier you do so, the more AGF tokens you receive from the Early Liquidity Mining reward pool.

Important! AGF tokens are not minted during the Early Liquidity Mining program (2–23 October 2021). AGF will start minting tokens on 23 October 2021, 12PM UTC after the end of the Early Liquidity Mining program. Early liquidity providers will get their AGF rewards starting 23 October 2021.

When can I withdraw and transfer my Early Liquidity Mining rewards?

AGF tokens earned via the Early Liquidity Mining program:

  • Can be partially claimed and transferred starting from the end of the Early Liquidity Mining program: 23 October 2021
  • Will become fully claimable and transferable four weeks after the end of the Early Liquidity Mining program: 20 November 2021

Why was the program extended?

Augmented Finance has become the fastest-growing DeFi lending protocol and plans to build more early liquidity to accelerate the TVL growth. Augmented Finance’s TVL as of 13 October was $8,900,000 and this is only the beginning. The success of the program has shown us how just much we can achieve and the value that will come from extending the program makes this decision a no-brainer.

We can’t thank you all enough for the support and trust.

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Augmented Finance

Augmented is on a mission to build an open, efficient, and globally accessible financial system.